Thursday, January 31, 2008

Counting {version I}

[Character 1 is telling a dramatic story to Character 2. The Narrator's story-telling is separate from the Character's, although passing into their realm every so often. At times the Characters inaudibly carry on their conversation while the Narrator speaks, at other times they freeze.]

Character 1: So, I was walking down a road yesterday...[freeze]

Narrator: It was a long, winding, back-road. Too narrow for much traffic, but just wide enough for cars to squeeze past one another.

Character 1:...and this car came down the road really fast. [continues to talk inaudibly]

Narrator: The car was, in fact, an old blue Volvo. It was swerving back and forth as if to indicate that the driver was impaired in some manner.

Character 1: I heard it though; I couldn't see anything 'cause it was too dark. [freeze]

Narrator: Information that would have been more useful at the beginning of the story, don't you think?

Character 1: So, I heard this car driving really fast...[freeze]

Narrator: Yes, we know, you can detect exact Miles Per Hour with the vibrations in your ear drums.

Character 2: Is that possible?

Character 1: You know what I mean. I could hear the engine running fast...So, I get off the road...[freeze]

Narrator: She moved to the right until she could feel the soft comfortable padding of grass beneathe her feet.

Character 1: But, of course, I see the car's headlights coming right toward me.

Narrator: [to Character 1] Headlights? You could see headlights. I believe I need to see your story-telling resume.

Character 1: [to Narrator] Oh, shut up.

[Narrator turns back to the audience]

Character 2: Did you move?

Character 1: Just enough. The car ran right into a tree; practically right beside me. [freeze]

Narrator: In a last moment of panic, she jumped out of the vehicle's path. She fell to the ground, rolling, rolling -

Character 1: [to Narrator] I didn't roll.

Narrator: Pretend you did.

Character 1: [to Character 2] I rolled out of the way. [Continues to talk inaudibly]

Narrator: The sound of the car in collision with the huge oak tree was so loud, so prolonged, that it seemed to be all that existed at that second, minute, hour.

Character 2: So, why did the car crash?

Character 1: Well, the guy that was driving the car - [freeze]

Narrator: In that minute in which Mr. Wellington smashed his convulsing head -

Character 1: [interrupting loudly] -had a seizure. [freeze]

Narrator: - against the steering wheel. The airbag expanded. His continuing jolts of involuntary movement made ripples through the polyester/vinyl fabric.

Character 1: By the time he crashed the car, he was still seizing.

Character 2: Oh my God. What did you do?

Character 1: Well, I had to figure out what was going on first. [Continues talking in inaudibly]

Narrator: She picked the leaves out of her hair and looked over at the vehicle in disgust. The entire front muffler was bent around the trunk of the tree. They were now puzzle pieces that slid together with ease, that Volvo and its oak tree.

Character 1: I mean, I was just pissed off, you know? [Continues talking inaudibly]

Narrator: All was disturbingly still. All except for the soft movements coming from the driver's seat. Was the driver stuck between his seat and the airbag?

Character 1: I mean, what kind of whack-job just smashes into a tree? A tree that I happen to be standing next to? I was going to give this guy a piece of my fucking mind.

Character 2: How did you even know he was alive?

Character 1: I could see him moving...duuuhhh...[Continues talking inaudibly]

Narrator: She approached Mr. Wellington in his Volvo, with wrinkles of concern edged across her face.

Character 1: The asshole could've killed me. [freeze]

Narrator: What she saw was a man shaking his upper torso. A phantom seemed to have possessed his body. His head was dragged by it, although it remained at a forward angle in the airbag.

Character 1: But once I got over there, I could see that his moving was actually seizing. The windshield had broken in his face. He was bleeding everywhere. And, he had no control over his head, so it was just planted in the airbag. [continues talking inaudibly]

Narrator: The glass particles of the windshield rubbed relentlessly between his face and the bag.

Character 1: It took me forever to figure out where my cell was 'cause I was so freaked out.

Character 2: Where was it?

Character 1: In my pocket...But, you know, I was like freaking out. I didn't know where my fucking hands were in relation to my body.

Character 2: Oh man...[Continues talking inaudibly]

Narrator: It occurred to her that this man might suffocate to death. She fumbled around, feeling her sides for something she should be looking for, a movement or gesture she should have been making.

Character 1: So I dialed 9-1-1, and they told me to move his head.

Character 2: Ewww...[freeze]

Narrator: "You're going to have to adjust his head so that he can breathe," the man on the phone said. She wedged her cell phone between her shoulder and her right ear.

Character 1: But, no shit Mr. 9-1-1 Man, I couldn't get the front doors open. I had to open the back seat and crawl up behind him. [continues talking inaudibly]

Narrator: The front doors were visibly smashed and unable to be opened. Thus, she opened the back door and positioned herself behind Mr. Wellington. Her hands were placed firmly on either side of his head. His head was finally upward and still, but his body shook violently.

Character 1: So, I told the guy on the phone that I was worried I was giving him whip-lash or that he was going to break his neck. I mean, imagine your body moving really fast and your head staying in place. [freeze]

Narrator: The man on the phone assured her that the seizing would be over soon, that one part of the body being held in place would actually help subdue the rest of the body.

Character 1: He told me not to let go. But the dude was so out of was like me holding his head was making it worse. So, I closed my eyes and started counting.

Character 2: Counting?

Character 1: Counting. [character 1 and character 2 both look at the narrator]

Narrator: Our heroine counted to ten and then let go.

Character 2: [to character 1] You let go of his head?

Character 1: [to character 2] I let go of his head.

Character 2: But, why?

Narrator: She was overcome with fear.

Character 1: I just gave up.

[the end]